Unshaken Faith: Trusting Allah's Plan

Unshaken Faith: Trusting Allah's Plan

"Then what is your thought about the Lord of the worlds?" (Qur'an, 37:87)


As we witness the heart-wrenching genocidal scenes from Gaza, the pain and injustice can feel overwhelming. It’s easy to question why these events continue to happen, why so much suffering exists, and whether hope will ever find its way back to the people of Palestine and all of us. But in the midst of this darkness, our faith shines brighter.

Lina Zibdeh
How to mix your hijab with striped tops

How to mix your hijab with striped tops

Elevate your style game by mixing the classic with the bold for a look that's uniquely striped-chic!

Striped tops are incredibly versatile and can be paired with a variety of prints for stylish and eye-catching outfits. Here are some prints that match well with striped tops. The safest is to go with like-colors and solid hijabs, but if you’re in the mood for some fun, you can match two prints together or even different colors.

How? The main key in mixing prints is to have one common color for a cohesive look. The second key in mastering the art of mixing is looking at the proportion of your prints. If your top has bold big prints, opt for something smaller and delicate in your other piece. Third key is to use your accessories, shoes, and purse to complete the look. Don’t overdo it, use solids to tone things down 😊 

Hijabis and islamophobia

Thoughts On Islamophobia & Hijabis

Hijabis Standing Strong Amidst Islamophobia; Symbols of Courage and Faith

In a world marked by diversity and cultural pluralism, the hijab, a symbol of modesty and devotion to faith, has become a visible representation of Muslim women's identity. 

In recent events & amid the rising tide of Islamophobia, many hijabis find themselves navigating a path filled with both strength and fear. Hijabis being afraid amidst Islamophobia is a heart-wrenching reality, but their strength and resilience are equally inspiring. They face adversity with unwavering faith and a commitment to promoting peace and understanding. These women are not just symbols of courage; they are living embodiments of the principles of their faith, which include patience, perseverance, and the unwavering belief in a better, more inclusive world.


New Year, New Chapter 2022

Salaam *|FNAME|*, Alhamdulillah for giving us the opportunity to open yet a new chapter in our lives. It's also a good time for us to reflect on what we've been through...
My hijab story | Lina Zibdeh

My Hijab Story

I’m sharing my hijab story with you today, not because it’s special per se, but rather to shed light on some struggles some of us do face before wearing our hijabs. Maybe we can spread awareness of what non-hijabis go through, stop judging them, just embrace their fears, reassure them that they’re not alone, and show them the real beauty of hijab.

I wore my hijab 20 years ago. I’ve loved the concept of hijab ever since I was a little girl, but in all honesty, many in my inner circle and my community were not fans of the idea. You would assume that wearing hijab is easier in the Middle East, well, not necessarily so! I’ve heard it all... “You’re too young”, “you’ll look old”, “you’ll become different (negatively was the connotation, as you can imagine), “you’ll stop caring about your looks”, “it’s too hot”, “you’ll take it off later”, “who said hijab is really a must in the first place?”, “you will limit your job opportunities”, “you want to cover in front of X, Y, Z?!!!”, “hmmm, is that a way to save money on your hair and beauty?”…ugh, the list was endless, as I’m sure many of you have heard or gone through.

My Beloved Dad

My Beloved Dad

You may have visited the store lately and found it closed; it’s been a rough year as my dad’s health was slowly declining. He passed away just recently, and I needed some time to mourn his loss with my family.
💔 I already miss him! But, I will forever find solace in the beautiful memories I had with him. My dad inspired me to always be a better version of myself, to be strong, to do my best, to have Faith that everything from Allah SWT is for our own good. And now, as I resume life without his physical presence, I will carry his legacy in my heart, and I pray that we reunite in Jannatu-Al-Firdaus.
Tagged: Hijab blog

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How COVID-19 Affected my Hijab business

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My personal take on Hijab as a Fashion

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