"Then what is your thought about the Lord of the worlds?" (Qur'an, 37:87)


As we witness the heart-wrenching genocidal scenes from Gaza, the pain and injustice can feel overwhelming. It’s easy to question why these events continue to happen, why so much suffering exists, and whether hope will ever find its way back to the people of Palestine and all of us. But in the midst of this darkness, our faith shines brighter.


This ayah invites us to reflect on our perception about Allah SWT —the Creator, the Sustainer, the One who Knows and Sees all. What do we think of the Lord of the worlds when the world around us seems to crumble? When it feels like everything is going wrong? The answer lies deep within our unwavering belief: We know and trust that Allah SWT is the best of planners.


Despite the outward chaos, oppression, and inhumanity, our faith remains unshaken. It’s in these trying times that we hold on even tighter to the truth: Allah SWT is in control. Some may not understand the wisdom behind the trials, but we trust the One who has complete knowledge of every moment, every heartbeat, every tear shed.


This year, our hearts have grown stronger. We’ve witnessed a resilience in our brothers and sisters in Gaza that echoes the strength of faith. Our conviction in Allah’s justice and mercy is consistent and unwavering. The oppressors may seem powerful, but their power is nothing in the face of Allah’s might. 


Our faith teaches us to never lose hope, for every hardship is a test, and every test is a means for us to draw nearer to Allah SWT.


So we ask ourselves: What is our thought about the Lord of the worlds? My answer would be: That He is Merciful, that He is Just, that He is watching over every single soul. No tear is unseen, no prayer unheard. We believe that His plans are far greater than we can comprehend, and we trust in His ultimate justice. 


In the Quran, Allah SWT reminds us that with hardship comes ease. Let us also remember that no oppressor will escape their actions. Allah SWT sees all, and justice will be served, whether in this world or the next. No injustice goes unnoticed, and no crime goes unaccounted for. The tyrants may believe they are invincible, but Allah’s justice is far beyond what they can comprehend.


We stand firm with our Palestinian brothers and sisters, and in our hearts, we continue to say Alhamdulillah. We trust His plan, even when the outworldy scene shows the opposite.


May Allah SWT grant freedom, justice, and peace to the people of Gaza & Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, and all those suffering under oppression. May He continue to strengthen our faith and guide us through every test.


Lina Zibdeh

Lina Zibdeh