Alhamdulillah, We’re back! Hope you’re all safe and healthy! Thank you for getting in touch and for your sweet notes! As for those of you who don’t know; let me briefly share how Covid-19 affected my life & hijab business:
My sister and I regularly visit our parents in Jordan, but this time, our supposedly short visit turned into a span of five months! Borders were closed and we opted to stay with the folks until Jordan almost hit the “Green Zone”. We came back few days ago via a charter flight since commercial flights are still not operating.
I felt so blessed to spend this precious time with my parents, and now I’m also so grateful to be back with my husband and kids.

My vision for my business evolved amidst this chaotic situation. I now have bigger dreams to help those affected most by circumstances like these. Some women might not be able to afford their hijabs for themselves or their girls, some other have lost their jobs and so food on the table is now a real issue for many families. 

I'm more hopeful now than I was before, yes.. believe it or not.. that my business - INSHALLAH - will grow because my mission now is broader :) 

our patience and support are deeply appreciated 😊 I’m excited to have the opportunity to serve you all again.


