Salaam *|FNAME|*,

Alhamdulillah for giving us the opportunity to open yet a new chapter in our lives. It's also a good time for us to reflect on what we've been through so we can carry on with a clearer vision. 

Well, to say the least, I guess 2021 was a challenging year for many. Amidst our attempts to ride the roller coaster of change, we’d also be bombarded with societal messages to hustle, chase, and strive more; and we’d rarely see messages about the importance of striking a Balance!

I believe “Tawakkul” is the keystone that seamlessly connects both worlds, hard work and inner peace. Don’t you agree that without it you’d be burnt-out, drained, and consumed?

For me, 2021 was a journey through which I realized that my wellbeing should be prioritized more, and the random distractions of life should be ignored more. I noticed that I should set boundaries from within; not be dragged into anything that would cost me my inner peace. I know, easier said than done, but it’s one of my main goals!

How about you, my friend? What is something you’ve learned from 2021 and you’re planning to carry on moving forward? I would love to hear your thoughts. 
